Mesothelioma: Pleural

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Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma that exists, and its malignant form is the direct result of exposure to asbestos fibers. You can get mesothelioma benign, but malignant form is by far the most common. Inhalation of asbestos fibers is what makes people who work unprotected with asbestos risk, and the risk may be higher by smoking and exposure to this dangerous fiber.

This form of mesothelioma affects the lungs and respiratory areas of the body. Cancer cells and attacks the lining (known as the pleura) of the lungs and ribs. As with other forms of mesothelioma, symptoms may take twenty or thirty years (sometimes more) to appear after exposure to asbestos, which makes it impossible for people to realize that they have been touched up that it is too late.

There are several symptoms of pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma, as they may be precisely the non-specific and can be put to a number of common illnesses or diseases. long latency period associated with mesothelioma has already caused a lot of late, but the type of symptoms associated with this disease may cause further delays, although the early start.

Without prior knowledge that you worked with asbestos and is therefore a great risk to the patient when mesothelioma is affected, your doctor may end up testing for a wide range of other diseases such as pneumonia. This amount of waste need time and it is therefore crucial that you not only keep your eyes open for one of the symptoms, but also tell your doctor about your work history with asbestos. Armed with this information, the physician may then start to run appropriate tests symptoms manifest.

Some of the symptoms normally associated with pleural mesothelioma include persistent cough, difficulty swallowing, loss of weight facial swelling, fever, barking cough and blood. Some patients may also experience shortness of breath, whether active or at rest. This may be caused by a thickening of the pleura due to the spread of the tumor. The pleura becomes thicker, more space in the lungs are functioning properly, and thus the breathing begins to be affected.

Some patients may experience severe pain in the chest or ribs, and this is caused by the spread of cancer cells and tumors. If the tumor begins to spread outward, it will affect the chest and lungs.

Treatment of pleural mesothelioma depends on many things and he is the doctor normally suggests the recommended course of treatment based on his knowledge and the results of diagnostic tests. Factors such as patient age, medical history, general well-being and even weight to be taken into account. Other factors to consider are: how far the cancer has spread and where the cancer is.

Treatments for various types of mesothelioma are more or less the same in most cases, but obviously that target different parts of the body depending on the region has been affected by cancer.

These treatments include:

Surgery: This may involve the movement of all or part of a lung and some surrounding tissue to kill tumor cells and cancer. It may also be necessary to empty the lungs of fluid, just make the patient feel better. The extent of surgery depends largely on the extent to which the cancer has spread.

Chemotherapy: For this procedure, drugs used to fight cancer cells and kill them, and shrink the tumor. These drugs can be swallowed by mouth if they are in the form of tablets or a doctor can administer the needle directly into a vein or muscle. The drugs are then able to travel throughout the body via the bloodstream and kill cancer cells they encounter.

Radiation therapy: This high-energy X-rays are used either outside the body (external radiation) or internal source to target (internal radiation therapy) to shrink the tumor and kill cancer cells. Internal radiation is preformed by the use of plastic pipes in which the doctor can also administer medications.

Mesothelioma Different Types

Types of Mesothelioma
A disease that is only beginning to emerge in recent years, mesothelioma is a cancer that usually presents as a malignant form and results in tumors around vital organs of the body. The definition of the word mesothelioma is literally cancer of the mesothelium (-oma is a medical term for cancer). The mesothelium is the sac that covers and protects vital organs like the heart and lungs, and the disease causes the lining cells become abnormal and malignant.

The result of asbestos exposure, mesothelioma has three forms: pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma. All three have a variety of symptoms, and some of the symptoms that are common to all three diseases. In any case, the disease, sufferers are unlikely to realize that there is a problem until years after they have actually contracted mesothelioma, regular exposure to asbestos.

The symptoms of all types of mesothelioma do not usually appear for several decades after the contraction. This can make the disease difficult to diagnose and is often too late to save the patient when making a diagnosis.


What is Mesothelioma?








Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that is becoming increasingly common. Affecting the mesothelial cells that make up the mesothelium - the outer layer that protects the body's major organs such as heart, stomach and lungs - this type of cancer is the direct result of regular exposure to asbestos without protection and . The symptoms and the latency of this disease is that it is difficult to diagnose. Treatment for mesothelioma is still being studied in clinical trials and research, but as a rule, responds poorly to currently used treatments.

Those most vulnerable cons being carriers of this cancer are those who worked with asbestos in the past thirty to fifty years. Thus, the disease is more common in men aged between sixty and seventy as this is the group that has often worked with asbestos in these years. Due to the lack of protection and regulations these days, these workers were constantly exposed to dust and asbestos fibers, causing the cells of the mesothelium become abnormal. But because the disease takes decades to develop fully and manifest, many of them were unaware of what thirty to fifty years later. These are men who are now multi-million dollar lawsuits against unscrupulous companies that expose them to the dangers of asbestos, even if they were aware that this could cause injury to employees.

There are other people at risk of disease, namely those who had regular contact with a person who worked with asbestos. Because these workers regularly carried dust and fibers from clothing, skin and hair, fibers and dust can be ingested by family members who were at risk of developing mesothelioma, respiratory problems or another asbestos related diseases.

The organs most affected by mesothelioma are the lungs and surrounding tissues. pleural mesothelioma, which is the type that affects the lining of the lungs, is the most common variant of this cancer with symptoms including difficulty breathing and swallowing, coughing, difficulty breathing, fever and weight loss. The abdomen is another area affected by this type of cancer, and this change is called peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma is not as common as pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma can include nausea and vomiting, weight loss and loss of appetite, fever, bowel obstruction and pain or swelling of the stomach area. The last variation of cancer is pericardial mesothelioma, which is when the cancer affects the heart tissue and surrounding areas. This variation is a rare and symptoms can include palpitations, shortness of breath and persistent cough.

The symptoms of mesothelioma are very common to a number of other diseases that are better known in society. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the patient to an erroneous diagnosis when he or she will show some or all of these symptoms. People who worked with asbestos should always inform your doctor so the doctor is more aware and conscious of the possibilities if symptoms occur. Rapid diagnosis is important for effective treatment of malignant mesothelioma, and unaware of the facts, your doctor may not be able to diagnose it early if he is aware of the situation.

Although there are treatments for mesothelioma, they have a high success rate, especially in patients in whom the cancer is advanced. More mesothelioma is diagnosed and treated, the better chance of success, so it is important to obtain an earlier diagnosis possible.

Current treatments for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy, palliative care and chemotherapy. National Cancer Institute and a number of other organizations and sponsors are currently on mesothelioma research and conduct clinical trials to try to find a treatment that will not only more effective but will enable the successful treatment of the disease, even in its later stages.

Malignant Mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the mesothelial cells around the heart, lungs or abdominal organs. The most common type of mesothelioma is the one which affects the pleura, the thin membrane between the lungs and the chest cavity. This type of the disease is known as Pleural Mesothelioma, and sufferers can experience symptoms which include: shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, persistent coughing, chest pains, weight loss, and trouble swallowing.

Exposure To Asbestos

Asbestos is a mineral that occurs naturally in the environment, and is also used by humans in a wide range of products. This material was widely used in many places, but the dangers of asbestos exposure began to come to light, everything changed. However, for many it was too late, the damage is done. This is because asbestos is responsible for a number of side effects, which can cause anything from discomfort to death. Asbestosis and pleural plaques can result from exposure to asbestos, and in particular can mesothelioma, a deadly cancer that can take decades to develop, but only a matter of months after the onset of symptoms killing.

Mesothelioma, caused by the consumption or respiratory loose asbestos fibers, which can cause scarring and, ultimately, can lead to cervical cancer. Cancer affects the lungs, chest or abdomen, but is also a very long latency period, which means it could be 30 years or more before the person realizes that he contracted cancer, because that is what Long may occur. The onset of symptoms may take up to fifty years or more, in some cases, but when the symptoms have expressed their personal life may be shorter than several months.

Between 1950 and 1980, many people - especially men - have worked in industries where they have been exposed to asbestos on a daily basis and for long periods of time. This mineral has been so widely used, because it was cheap and its fireproofing. Due to the effects of the mineral have been largely unknown, except in certain circles at the same time, workers did not address the lack of protection or concern shown to work so closely with asbestos.

However, it is believed that many companies and manufacturers are familiar with lethal consequences of this mineral from the 1920s. But their lack of worker protection against the effects of asbestos has led many people contracting this cancer, and do not realize thirty to fifty years later, just as they were settling down to enjoy their retirement years .

Some of the workers most likely to encounter asbestos on a daily basis, and thus at risk included insulators, plasterers, electricians, mechanics, masons, carpenters and other craftsmen. This is due to the fact that professionals have worked closely with asbestos materials and products. Also at risk are the families of these workers, because they often swallow or inhale asbestos from the skin, hair, clothes or employee, and this could lead to the same effect.

Millions of workers exposed to asbestos for years, and bad luck have discovered several decades later, just the impact their work has on their health. Most cases of mesothelioma coming to light today are men, as it was mostly men who worked with asbestos for decades. These workers are discovering they have cancer and other asbestos diseases, finally, the symptoms manifest.

The dangers of exposure to asbestos is now much more widely recognized. However, millions of people worldwide have been exposed to this mineral. For these people can live to live on borrowed time, and each year thousands of new cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers diagnosed.

This figure is expected to grow over the next ten years or more, and many more middle-aged and older felt they had been hidden from this deadly cancer in recent decades.

Although it is now known that exposure to asbestos is responsible for malignant mesothelioma and other cancers, asbestosis, pleural plaques and other respiratory problems and health, this mineral is still in isolation in many parts of the world, and then maintain its deadly master of humanity.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos

The cause of a series of ailments and diseases, including the deadly cancer mesothelioma, asbestos has actually been used for centuries. Name Asbestos was given to this mineral by the Ancient Greeks, and the word literally means inextinguishable. The Greeks gave this name because of its fireproof qualities incredible, but also noted the harmful effects of asbestos on workers.

Asbestos is a soft and flexible, which has been widely used for many years for a variety of things. The modern use of this mineral is for insulation, and are used in a wide range of elements and structures, roofs and walls to toasters and hair dryers. This mineral became popular during the Industrial Revolution as an effective and safe isolation - security it was fireproof, but certainly not safe in another direction. Despite the risks associated with using and working with asbestos are several hundred years earlier, these risks are not taken into account when asbestos was widely used for insulation.

It was not until 1900 that the facts regarding the risks for workers has begun to resurface. An English doctor made a post-mortem on a man who worked with asbestos for many years, and he found traces of fibers and dust into the lungs of man. The doctor said the man had died because of exposure to this mineral. Over the next two decades, specialists in many countries have started to notice that illness, disease and death has been abnormally high in asbestos workers.

In 1920, half, English doctor made the first diagnosis of asbestosis, and this was followed by a study which showed that 25% of English asbestos workers showed signs of lung disease. The laws have since been stepped up in England and provide better ventilation and more protection for employees who are regularly exposed to asbestos. These measures followed slowly in other countries over the next decade.

This protection has been slow to implement, and does not prove all that effective. Although the asbestos manufacturers and companies that use the ore were now aware of these studies and the risks to workers, have continued to asbestos is highly exposed to many workers from the risks associated with it. These workers continued with asbestos, completely unaware of the damage it may cause. Asbestos is still widely used until the mid-seventies, when many workers are exposed, and had already, without knowing what we now know as mesothelioma.

Today, when the disease begins to be felt of asbestos workers in 1950, 1960 and 1970, a number of new infected cases are diagnosed each year. In fact, the number of cases is growing so fast that many law firms are busy or training of lawyers that deal specifically with this type of case. irresponsible companies and producers, who were responsible for this exhibition is to collect billions of dollars, and many of them go bankrupt as a result of compensation.

Although the effects of asbestos have been observed, tested and verified, this mineral is still used today in many places around the world. Although laws and regulations concerning work with asbestos is much more strict at the time, this does not change the fact that this mineral can cause more harm than good, and has claimed many victims worldwide in the form of the deadly disease mesothelioma.