Exposure To Asbestos

Asbestos is a mineral that occurs naturally in the environment, and is also used by humans in a wide range of products. This material was widely used in many places, but the dangers of asbestos exposure began to come to light, everything changed. However, for many it was too late, the damage is done. This is because asbestos is responsible for a number of side effects, which can cause anything from discomfort to death. Asbestosis and pleural plaques can result from exposure to asbestos, and in particular can mesothelioma, a deadly cancer that can take decades to develop, but only a matter of months after the onset of symptoms killing.

Mesothelioma, caused by the consumption or respiratory loose asbestos fibers, which can cause scarring and, ultimately, can lead to cervical cancer. Cancer affects the lungs, chest or abdomen, but is also a very long latency period, which means it could be 30 years or more before the person realizes that he contracted cancer, because that is what Long may occur. The onset of symptoms may take up to fifty years or more, in some cases, but when the symptoms have expressed their personal life may be shorter than several months.

Between 1950 and 1980, many people - especially men - have worked in industries where they have been exposed to asbestos on a daily basis and for long periods of time. This mineral has been so widely used, because it was cheap and its fireproofing. Due to the effects of the mineral have been largely unknown, except in certain circles at the same time, workers did not address the lack of protection or concern shown to work so closely with asbestos.

However, it is believed that many companies and manufacturers are familiar with lethal consequences of this mineral from the 1920s. But their lack of worker protection against the effects of asbestos has led many people contracting this cancer, and do not realize thirty to fifty years later, just as they were settling down to enjoy their retirement years .

Some of the workers most likely to encounter asbestos on a daily basis, and thus at risk included insulators, plasterers, electricians, mechanics, masons, carpenters and other craftsmen. This is due to the fact that professionals have worked closely with asbestos materials and products. Also at risk are the families of these workers, because they often swallow or inhale asbestos from the skin, hair, clothes or employee, and this could lead to the same effect.

Millions of workers exposed to asbestos for years, and bad luck have discovered several decades later, just the impact their work has on their health. Most cases of mesothelioma coming to light today are men, as it was mostly men who worked with asbestos for decades. These workers are discovering they have cancer and other asbestos diseases, finally, the symptoms manifest.

The dangers of exposure to asbestos is now much more widely recognized. However, millions of people worldwide have been exposed to this mineral. For these people can live to live on borrowed time, and each year thousands of new cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers diagnosed.

This figure is expected to grow over the next ten years or more, and many more middle-aged and older felt they had been hidden from this deadly cancer in recent decades.

Although it is now known that exposure to asbestos is responsible for malignant mesothelioma and other cancers, asbestosis, pleural plaques and other respiratory problems and health, this mineral is still in isolation in many parts of the world, and then maintain its deadly master of humanity.